Friday, October 16, 2009

This is only a test

A comparison between LiveJournal and Blogger if you will...

So, disregard this as I'm only checking out the features.

Well, adding pictures is quite simple. How about those ears, eh?

It doesn't look like I can embed videos, perhaps I'm wrong, but LiveJournal gets the nod in this case. I will, however, just go ahead and link a video to see what it looks like.

Here's the direct video link:

And the embedded link:

Looks like a mess, let's see what happens. :)

Nice! Embedding works, and so far, I'm liking Blogger a bit better. But hey, it's Google, they're going to sell my soul or something.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I'm commenting to myself to test this out. Nothing to see here. :)
